Apr 30, 2011

Обрывки юности :)

Краски, языки, ноты
Запахи, звезды, звуки
С ведьминой метлы в полночь
Ветру целовать руки

В море - проливным дождем
В городе - огней безумьем
Стать - и разорвать нить  
C детства  неоконченным раздумьeм

Apr 9, 2011

Из старого весеннего....

В порыве человеческих страстей
В безумье воплотившихся идей,
В слияние нехоженных дорог
В смятение разорванных миров 
Уходит постаревшая весна...

И в чашке чая вдруг появится луна
И притворится ломтиком лимона
И в поисках утраченного тона
Пенсне окон наденут темные дома

И кот сольется с пледом на диване
И в дом войдет покой, а вместе с ним - 
Тепло и запахи замерзших елок
И сказки - про русалок и принцесс

И добрым светом озарится лес
И чудища, мурлыкая довольно
Совьют себе гнездо из тишины
И станут сном кота - до следующей весны

Apr 6, 2011

Motivational urban Myth #1: "If I can do it you can do it!"

Myth #1 : "If I can do it you can do it!"
Reality: What one person, possessing specific traits and capabilities can do/achieve under specific to that person circumstance is not related to the ability of another person to achieve the same result. Unrelated! Sorry!
Why this myth is an easy sell?: It's the nature of human psyche to look for Certainty and Control, and it  would rather take an illusion of  CC in the form of myth, rather than accepting the uncertain reality.

Apr 1, 2011

...זכרו לברכה

A legendary business leader, Henry Taub (founder of  Automatic Data Processing
- ADP) and a huge Technion supporter passed away....

My sincere condolences to the entire Taub family...


Breakup clinic needs your advice -which image is more appropriate?

This is what Breakup clinic is:

Breakup clinic™

Who should consider?

You’ve been through a tough breakup… You want to make your healing process less painful and more efficient, learn from it and work on preventing future breakups.
You have a friend who just went through a breakup and you wish you could help…
You consider starting a new relationship (or you already started one) and you want to mitigate the risk of a breakup. 
What we do?
Once we meet we help you to 
- Develop a customized action plan for you to ease the process. We know that generic advice – “do something to distract yourself” does not work, so we help you to identify specific activities that will be appropriate for you. (Activities might include private Pilates sessions, working with makeover specialists and art consultants,  martial arts and foreign languages and many more!) 
- Work with our specialist and affiliates to create an appropriate package to include the actives we’ve identified in the plan. 
- Support you along the way and help you stick to the plan!
- Work with you on identifying appropriate venues and candidates, to mitigate the risk of a breakup when you decide to move on. 

and here are the images I am considering: