My deepest sympathy goes out to all affected by the disaster.
Let's try to help!
I already made a donation to Red Cross, but I want to do more.
Also, if you have a business that wants to donate part of the profits to the cause - please let me know. I am compiling this information and will put it out on my blog, web site and FB, so that we can spread the word.
More information on how to help: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/03/11/how-to-help-japan-earthquake-relief_n_834484.html and http://www.japansociety.org/news
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UPDATE 3/16 Emotional Help for Japanese people away from home http://personalconfidantency.blogspot.com/2011/03/emotional-help-to-japanese-people-away.html
MAKIKOHANDMADE will donate all profits toSAVE THE CHILDREN and RED CROSS fundations who have established the relief funds for us to help people in Japan.
Heart to Heart Japan Relief bookmarks |
Order a set of three Japan disaster relief bookmark today! |
UPD 3/13.
Businesses donating... ( please verify with the vendors before making a purchase. if you know of other businesses, please let us know):
$1 from every copy of "Rediscovering the Power of No" sold before March 21 will be donated to Red Cross for Japan relief effort http://ow.ly/4bj9B
www.CouchSurfing.org has been a resource in other natural disasters to prospective hosts and victims who have used the website to find places to stay. They are not able to make a direct financial contribution at this point, but the information might be useful
American Airlines AAdvantage bonus mile offer. Through April 15, 2011, AAdvantage members can earn a one-time award of 250 AAdvantage bonus miles for a minimum $50 donation, or 500 AAdvantage bonus miles for a donation of $100. More information: http://www.aa.com/i18n/urls/disasterrelief.jsp?anchorLocation=DirectURL&title=disasterrelief
12K 12k is donating all profits from their online shop for the month of March to the Japan Earthquake Relief Fund set up by New York’s Japan Society. http://www.12k.com/
Space Coyote
100% of proceeds go to Japan Society's Earthquake Relief Fund (and of proof will be provided) http://spacecoyote.bigcartel.com/product/japan-earthquake-relief-fund-commission
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