Feb 27, 2011
Feb 26, 2011
Where to find me?
Feb 25, 2011
Feb 23, 2011
Unique opportunity to get a behind-the-scenes view of independent film distribution
Feb 21, 2011
Ayelet Galena needs our help!
Feb 20, 2011
Join me on my book blog tour - first stop 2/28 on Notes from An Alien
Feb 19, 2011
What should be my next book?......
The harshest part about revising?
Now back to the keyboard
Cats or humans? Help me to decide!

I need your help choosing cover for my upcoming electronic workbook "Friends, enemies and everyone in between". The work book's goal is to help the readers to make their relationships with others easier and more genuine, by taking a closer look at where those relationships currently are and how did they get there.
Feb 17, 2011
Feb 16, 2011
Dependency on Independence
Feb 15, 2011
Whatever's worse...
Feb 13, 2011
Words create confusion...
On Meetup 57, My Perestroika - a preview
Today, or rather yesterday, we had an annual Meetup 57 - the reunion of 57 alumni in NYC. Big thank you to Sasha and Volodya for organizing!.
Thank you all for coming! For the sake of those who did not make it and fans and supporters of 57 - more about the reunion will come later.
We had a privilege to host Robin Hessman, the director of "My Perestroika". “My Perestroika” is an amazing Film - an official selection of
The film will show in NYC , starting March 23 at the IFC. If you are planning to go - give me a shout!
More coming soon – stay tuned!
Feb 8, 2011
Feb 5, 2011
Thou shalt not covet ...
How many times were you asked for a professional advice or a "little favor" - at a party, in a casual conversation with a stranger or an acquaintance or their brother? "So how would you go about ... XYZ?", "Would you mind looking over my business plan?", "Oh, this reality check you are doing is such a great idea - so let me tell you about my situation...."
Have you been there? I know a ton of people who play along. They feel regret and resentment, yet they do allow others to steal their goods (well, services) !
So, what can you do? What do you say in those cases?
These and other business 'No' related questions will be addressed in one of the Confidantency series workbooks. Stay tuned!
Feb 2, 2011
Thou shalt not recommend :)
R(ecommend) at your own R(isk)
C'est tout!
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